Monday, March 22, 2010

People who care

Yesterday at church I was feeling a little bit down and overwhelmed with my trials and things. Along with our lesson about Joseph (talking about how we deal with our own trials) which was wonderful and helped me a lot, a member of the RS presidency was talking to me about work. She asked how much I work and if I like the insanity of the schedule and hours. I was blunt and said, "no, I hate it." You have to tell the truth at church right?? :)  Anyway... she was mentioning how her husband is always looking out for something I might be able to do and that they are always praying for me. It really helped me feel loved and cared about. Sometimes I feel alone and that no one understands or thinks about me but she helped me remember that they do. It helps but things into perspective and it made me feel really good. Thanks S and R!