Yesterday at church I was feeling a little bit down and overwhelmed with my trials and things. Along with our lesson about Joseph (talking about how we deal with our own trials) which was wonderful and helped me a lot, a member of the RS presidency was talking to me about work. She asked how much I work and if I like the insanity of the schedule and hours. I was blunt and said, "no, I hate it." You have to tell the truth at church right?? :) Anyway... she was mentioning how her husband is always looking out for something I might be able to do and that they are always praying for me. It really helped me feel loved and cared about. Sometimes I feel alone and that no one understands or thinks about me but she helped me remember that they do. It helps but things into perspective and it made me feel really good. Thanks S and R!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A Great Friend
This week my parents went out of town and I, of course, had to work. So I needed to find someone to watch the kiddos. :( I always think of the same person. She's our primary president and neighbor. She's got a little girl that is Kyler's age and 2 boys. They play well together. She's always so willing to help me when I'm in need. She's been taking such great care of my kids that Kamaryn doesn't want to come home when I go to pick them up after work. It's so hard being a working mom but like I told her in my thank you note... it's because of wonderful people like her that it's even possible! I hope she knows how very much I appreciate her help and her willingness and kindness. And to top it off she called later tonight to let me know that she was worried about me. I had expressed some sadness I guess you'd call it and she is so incredibly sensitive to the spirit that she called to make sure I was alright. I wish I had more time to spend talking with her. Maybe I'll have to make some.
Thanks so much Julie! You are a true friend!
Posted by ~April~ at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
M y Sweet Girl
My sweet Kamaryn turned 5 today! Where on earth did the time go???? It is just crazy how fast the time flies by. I can't believe she will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. She's been having a blast in preschool since she started in October and making lots of friends and becoming quite the social butterfly. She is very sensitive if something hurts her feelings. She is very stubborn and strong willed as well and most instances its "her way or the highway".... so not kidding!!!! It's insane... hee hee. But I love her to pieces and wouldn't trade her for anything in this world!
Happy Birthday princess!
Posted by ~April~ at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I decided....
.... that I have been way too whiny in my life lately :) So I am going to decide every day to be happy for that day. One day at a time.... right?
Here are the positives for today...
+ Sunshine, blessed sunshine *are you singing yet*
+ I got to work with some fun people at work today
+ My kids cleaned up without fighting or whining
+ I got some fresh homemade salsa from work.... they make it right in the produce department and it's absolutely to die for! Tastes a bit different every time and I love it. And thankfully for me it also is working as a decongestant. ;)
On to Wednesday....
Posted by ~April~ at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
+ I didn't have to wear my sweater outside :)
+ I worked with some fun people today
+ Kyler got his 3rd quarter reading goal!
I am really trying hard to focus on the positive... the little blessings in my life, no matter how small. Some days it's hard and some days it's easy but it helps keep me plugging along.
Posted by ~April~ at 8:21 PM 0 comments