Monday, March 31, 2008

"Joyful Things"

This post is inspired by Kyler. I was listening to his prayers last night and toward the end he said, "we thank thee for all the joyful things". It made me smile and it really made me thing of so many joyful things that we have and don't always realize. The greatest joy in my life is probably my children. More often than not, they are the sweetest creations around me. They love each other and they love us and they show it unconditionally. It is amazing and they teach me so much about love and they see things so much differently than we do. So I am going to make a list of "joyful things"...

~~ The beautiful earth that was created for us to dwell in it.
~~ The sunshine and the moon and star light.
~~ The beautiful animals and plants that surround us.
~~ Rain.
~~ A loving husband who is appreciative and helpful.
~~ Music.
~~ Children.
~~ Children singing!
~~ Children sharing and playing together.
~~ Babies who nap.
~~ Chocolate!!
~~ Blue skies.
~~ Scriptures.
~~ Prophets.
~~ Disney movies.
~~ Balloons.
~~ Laughter!!!
~~ Smiling faces.
~~ Friends.
~~ Family.

Ok, I think my mind has gone blank. But there is a list of things that bring me joy. I need to think of these kinds of things more often and smile. :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Priesthood

I've always been one to ask for blessings (more so since I've been married and have children) and I love the peace that comes from a blessing given with the authority of Jesus Christ. Ashton had a pretty high fever starting on Saturday afternoon. Fevers always make me worry even though I know that technically, they are a good thing. But once that digital reading approaches 103 degrees I start to slightly freak out. Poor Ashton was just miserable most of the day yesterday. I asked Treven to call someone and see if they could give Ashton a blessing to help him feel better. So around 7:30 a member of our bishopric came over and assisted in giving my wiggly, hot baby a Priesthood blessing. I always feel peace what I hear the words said in any blessing. But the most important part being that it is authority from Jesus Christ and in His name that those blessings are given. Ashton slept pretty much all night from 8:30 until nearly 8 this morning. He woke up acting much more like himself and I am so grateful for worthy men who can exercise that holy power to bless the sick. My sweet little guy is playing peek-a-boo with me right now with his little cheesy grin and sweet, happy laugh. My gratitude is more abundant than words for that wonderful gift of the Priesthood authority on this earth.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Knowing That I'm Not In Charge

As I tend to stress out about everything in my life I should realize more often that I'm not really in charge. I wish I would remember that more and just give my burden to the Lord. I am nervous about something and I realized today that I really don't have much control at all over how this turns out. I have prepared all I can, I have prayed with as much faith as I can muster right now, I cannot control how other people will act, react, or view me or my potential. I can only trust that my Heavenly Father knows what is best for me and for my family right now. As hard as it is to give things to Him to carry for us, that is that I need to do in this instance. I can only do my best and rely on Him to help with the things that I cannot control. I have faith in Him. I trust Him. He loves me and my family and what's best for us will happen because He knows what is best much better than I.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

An Angelic Friend

I have a friend that I think of as a sister. She has been there for me since we met nearly 3 years ago. No matter what I go through she always has love and advice for me. I know I would be lost without her, as well as completely insane. We have so much in common sometimes it's hard to believe that we haven't known each other forever. Whenever I think of her I have to smile because of the difference she makes in my life. I only wish we could be next door neighbors instead of hours apart. I appreciate her more than words and I hope she knows how much I love her.

"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."
~Author Unknown

Friday, March 14, 2008

Basic Needs

As I continue to look at our uncertain financial future I have been trying to be more grateful for the basic needs that we've always been blessed with.

No matter what, we've always had a roof over our heads and especially since moving here where it rains so much I have been more grateful for that!


Wonderful, supportive, loving family members - though they are far away.

~Beautiful Children~

What a great blessing to have the privilege of raising children.

~Food to eat~

We never go hungry.


One cannot survive without love.

~The Gospel of Jesus Christ~

The one thing that is always constant in our lives. The truths of the gospel. The blessings that come from obedience and trying your best. The atonement of Jesus Christ. The knowledge that we are children of God. It brings peace and it's never changing. It will always be there even though everything else might appear to be falling down around us.

Count your many blessings! I will try to remember those things which I take for granted.

Friday, March 7, 2008


"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
~ Proverbs 3:5-6

This is going to be my motto. I have been struggling lately with feeling like I have enough faith to get through certain things. I too often fail to remember the fact that Heavenly Father has helped us get through everything we have gone through up to this point. We always have food to eat, clothes to wear and shelter over our heads. Those are the basic necessities of life. I tend to get too worked up about how we're going to have enough money for this or that and I forget that we have everything we honestly and truly need. There will always be struggle and trial and hardship, that I have come to understand. It is our choice how we will deal with that trial, whatever it may be. Sure, I can continue to dwell on the unknown and worry, after all it is human nature to worry about what we cannot see. I must remember though that if we could see everything in our future we would need no faith or trust. I must also remember that Heavenly Father will never leave us. He will never give us more than we can handle, no matter how heavy the burden may seem. He will always be there to comfort and strengthen us and that I must remember and rely on. So I will try to follow my motto especially through the trial and fear of the unknown.

As the quote on my calendar for this month says...
"If there is no struggle, there is no progress."
--Frederick Douglas

A blessing Blog

I finally decided to make one of these. Thanks for the inspiration Hillary!

This will be a place mainly of reflection for me as I go through my daily trials and struggles. I find I need to count my blessings more often and thank my Heavenly Father more often for the many (too many to number) things that I and my family have been blessed with.

So I pray for inspiration and faith.